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נעים להכיר

Rachel Krentzman
Rachel Krentzman



Yoga Therapist, Physiotherapist, Hakomi Psychotherapist

IAYT - ארגון היוגה תרפיה הבינלאומי

הסמכה מטעם:

פרטים ליצירת קשר:


Rachel Krentzman PT, E-RYT, C-IAYT is a physical therapist, certified yoga therapist and Hakomi psychotherapist. She is the author of two books, Yoga for a Happy Back: A Teacher’s Guide to Spinal Health through Yoga Therapy and Scoliosis, Yoga Therapy and The Art of Letting. A graduate of McGill University, Rachel completed her 2000-hour teacher training with Aadil Palkhivala at the College of Purna Yoga and has studied intensively with Judith Hanson Lasater and Aman Keays. Rachel has been integrating yoga into her physical therapy practice for over 20 years and is the co-founder of Wisdom-Body Yoga Therapy – the first 800 hour Yoga Therapy training program in the Middle East. She is on the accreditation committee for IAYT (the International Association of Yoga Therapists) and is passionate about integrating yoga into the healthcare system. Rachel offers online trainings for yoga professionals and the general public on Yoga for Spinal Health and Scoliosis. For more information visit:

מאמרים שכתבתי

יוגה תרפיה לכאבי גב תחתון

Yoga Therapy for Athletes

תרגולים והרצאות שלי מהרשת

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